Welcome to my blog.

Welcome to my blog. I hope that it is entertaining and informative. Or, well, at least entertaining. My goals are to use as many polysyllabic words as possible to exercise my vocabulary, and to record the delicious things I cook for dinner, as well as my (mis)adventures in trying to start an organic farm.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Captain's Log: Star Date 10/14/2010

For my Principles of Health Behavior class, I am supposed to pick a behavior that I want to change about myself. I have picked adding 5 minutes of meditation or deep breathing to my day, twice a day (once in the morning and once at night).

This week, I am supposed to keep a log of my observations about this activity.

Today, even knowing that I am supposed to be doing this, I did not even think about deep breathing or meditation until about 10AM. I was walking down the stairs to go outside of my work building and remembered that I was supposed to think about doing this sometime during the morning. Possibly I need some kind of reminder? I don't have any alarms left on my cell phone to use. Something to think about.

I also feel as stressed as ever. Just thinking about meditating, apparently, does not work.

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